To Opt Professional Title: CIVIL ENGINEER
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In March 1999 the firm BLASA SA conducted a "comprehensive study of the water supply and drainage of the National University Enrique Guzmán y Valle. BLASA In this study, recommended conducting a study to have a good system of coagulation and disinfection of water from the ditch
currently drinking water system of the UNE has two types of sources and over a shallow groundwater. The surface source has components with more than 30 years old however the groundwater source was implemented in 2002.
The surface source is supplied with an irrigation canal, which has a direct shot at the Santa Eulalia River. In times of flood, the river destroyed the direct engagement, leaving the service inoperative irrigation channel, and therefore the water supply.
The report of water treatment plant, conducted by the Department of General Services of the University, dated July 2007, describes problems in the structures of the components of the surface source.
This report presents the technical documentation necessary to implement the Improvement Potable Water System at the University Enrique Guzmán y Valle.
III. Justification:
The preparation of the Report of Sufficiency be justified by having to improve the components of the water system, from its collection, treatment, storage and distribution facilities within the University Campus which houses the university population to stay and other alternative permanent, which forces the liquid element has to provide sufficient quantity and quality.
The central problem at the source is shallow, with structures over 30 years old, with deficiencies in the design of components, which damage the efficiency of production of treated water as the fluid element from its collection to distribution, it goes through a treatment process that requires: improved existing facilities, a good use of disinfection materials, staff training, maintenance and facility maintenance.
Likewise there is no safety or security to be given to all facilities, including a laboratory environment for permanent checking of the quality of water produced.
The main purpose is to improve the water system in all its components to provide good service to avoid diseases be using water that can affect health.
The specific objectives are:
Improves the intake structures, treatment plant, storage and distribution.
• Ensure the quality of drinking water produced, and to ensure sanitation of the university population, according to the requirements of current legislation.
For the improvement of the Water System of UNE, will be necessary to verify designs of components, which is based upon the laws of hydraulics.
developing theoretical framework takes into account the following: • Information
topographic, topographical plans for the design of new and improvement works.
• The assessment of plant components is the recruitment, sand removal, flocculation, sedimentation and storage reservoir will take into account three aspects: the first is a function of sanitation and hydro, must successfully complete the terms of the Standard OS.020 Treatment Plant Surface Water National Building Regulation. Second, the state of conservation of materials manufacturing, evaluating cracks, concrete cracking and corrosion both in field and laboratory materials, and efforts were also verified through modeling and structural analysis. Third is to evaluate the efficiency of the operation of the water treatment plant by applying management techniques and project management.
• Formulation and evaluation of demand analysis, supply analysis, balance supply and demand, alternative approach, social assessment, sensitivity analysis, sustainability and environmental impact as required by the SNIP.
· Preparation of Technical File alternativa viable; conformado por la memoria descriptiva, especificaciones técnicas, presupuesto, análisis de costos unitarios, lista de insumos, formula polinómica, resumen de metrados, hojas de sustento de metrados, y planos.
1.1 Nombre del Proyecto
1.2 Unidad Formuladora y Ejecutora
1.3 Participación de las entidades involucradas y de los beneficiarios
1.4 Marco de referencia
2.1 Diagnóstico de la situación
current 2.2 Definition of the problem and its causes
2.3 Objective 2.4 Project Alternatives Solution
demand 3.2 Analysis of supply
Supply Demand Balance 3.3 3.4 Technical Approach
Costs 3.6 3.5 3.7 Assessment
social benefits
3.7.1. Methodology cost / benefit
3.7.2. Methodology Cost-effectiveness
3.8 Sensitivity Analysis 3.9 Environmental Impact Sustainability
3.10 3.11 3.12 Selection of alternatives
logical framework matrix for the selected alternative
For the development of this report shall Sufficiency based on the following points:
· Collect and review existing information and bibliography.
• Recognition of the field, to assess existing infrastructure and the current operating system.
· Complementation of basic information (topography, hydrology, population) and complementary monitoring of treated water.
· Selection of alternative and cost designs and construction. Supported Standards, Regulations and specifications on hydraulic structures, and processing quality of drinking water mainly.
· Supply Adequacy Report to the development of technical specifications, Conclusions and Recommendations of the case.
· Arocha R, Simon Water Supply, Editions Vega, Venezuela 1980.
· CAPUFE; Operating Procedure plant wastewater treatment; 2006.
· CEPIS; Study of water quality in rural water supply systems; Lima, Peru 1999.
· CEPIS Guideline for design of slow sand filtration plant for rural, 1984.
· CEPIS; Operation and maintenance of water treatment plants, 2002.
· CEPIS; Treatment of drinking water. Rapid Filtration Plant;. 2005
· Murillo, Raúl Castro, Manual general methodology for the identification, preparation and evaluation of programs or projects official mother, Bogotá 2005.
· Nassir Sapag, Chain, Investment Projects - Formulation and evaluation; 2007.
· Nawy, Edgard GPE, Reinforced Concrete, 1988.
· Organization Pan American Health Guideline for the design and construction of reservoirs supported, Lima 2004.
National Building · Regulations, 2006.
· Romero Rojas, Jairo Albero, Water Purification, 1999.
· SEDAPAL, Regulation of Development of water projects and sanitation for urban allotments of Lima and Callao, 2004.
· SEDAPAL, water treatment, coagulation-flocculation; 2000.
· Villafranca Aguirre, Artemio; plant potable water treatment in the town of Chuicampa-Huancavelica. Report UNI-FIC; 2001
I General
1.1 Project "Improving the water system of the Universidad Enrique Guzmán y Valle
Department / Region: provicia
Lima: Lima
Lurigancho Altitude: 850 m
1.2 formulators and Executing Unit
formula unit: Group "Scouts" of Knowledge Update Course, Faculty of Civil Engineering National University of Engineering
Executive Unit: Area Infrastructure Universidad Enrique Guzmán y Valle
1.3 Participation of Beneficiaries
City Board of irrigators
Enrique Guzmán y Valle University
Framework 1.4
2.1 Diagnosis of Current Situation
Water System General
The system of existing drinking water supply at the National University of Education Enrique Guzmán Valle surface resources is done from a ditch that runs along the 870 m elevation and ground water resources from a well drilled in the area of \u200b\u200bthe campus. The canal has
pre-Hispanic origin and was initially for irrigation.
In the following paragraphs a description of each of the components of this system. Drivetrain
The driveline consists of a simple concrete gutter in good shape with a length of about 50 m in length which carries the water from the canal to the treatment plant.
Treatment Plant Treatment Plant account initially with 3 sand traps, which serve as sedimentation of small solid particles. The 3 sand traps are in good condition. Later during the trip
water tanks are prefabricated (fiber glass and plastic) that function as a coagulant dose of sodium hypochlorite, which are added to water. There is a well mixing of coagulant is not used.
Following this, the water reaches a continuous flocculation and two clarifiers where solids settle to the microscopic.
water finally reaches a 48 m3 tank, where by means of two pumps that run alternately (6 hours each) the water is driven to 05 rapid sand filters and finally arriving at a base supported rectangular reservoir of 520 m3 capacity, located 11 meters from the tank. The pumping rate is 18 l / s.
There is a disinfection system that is used by injecting chlorine solution to the discharge pipe of the tank, but it is done before the water enters the filter and not after as it should be. Furthermore, the disinfection is performed with sodium hypochlorite and no chlorine gas, which is normally used in these cases. Poza
and Drive Line
There is a water well where the existing underground forces water through PVC pipes class 10 to a circular base reservoir, located on the side of the rectangular base reservoir. The pipe length is 640 m and a diameter of 6 ".
drive line of the tank is 4 ° in diameter, galvanized iron material with a length more than 30 years. Storage Reservoirs
In the study area there are two storage reservoirs a rectangular base and the other newly built circular base.
The reservoir of rectangular reinforced concrete base which is supplied with surface water has a capacity of 520 m3 and is situated at 870 meters. It has a valve house in good condition.
The reservoir is filled in 9 hours at a rate of 18 l / s and VACE an average of 05 hours when not pumping. The average flow of current water consumption estimated by the population of the University is of 28.89 l / s.
According to the survey of the existing sanitary wares Campus peak flow simultaneously should not exceed 18.65 l / s. (See Exhibit D)
The reinforced concrete reservoir recently constructed circular base is in good condition and near constructive start operating. It has a capacity of 150 m3 and will receive water from the tubewell. According to the pumping tests carried out such a pool is filled with water in an average of 02 hours, turning off automatically.
two reservoirs with a total capacity of 670 m3 is sufficient to supply the required daily water allocation of 584 m3. Line
adduction adduction
existing line measures 260 m has a diameter of 6 "PVC material is in some sections and other cast iron is that because of its age is in poor condition. Distribution Networks
The piping system of water network is formed by cast iron pipes and PVC in a disorderly manner. Cast iron pipes are older than 30 years, are corroded and have high leak rates.
existing pipeline length is approximately 3.200 m with diameters between 2 and 4 inches. Valves and sanitary equipment
The fire fighting cocks and valves are inoperative by disuse and age.
The vast majority of gate valves are without handle and sulfated by exposure to the weather. Fixture De
seen, the big problem is wastage in toilets, where major water leaks. In some cases there are also faucets wastage. Neglect is evident in the use and control of this vital element.
estimated waste and leakage in the system are the order of 10 l / s.
The existing pool has a recirculation system that works well for both the ingress of water into the pool by the external network is done once a year
2.2 Definition of Problem
A Central Problem
"Inadequate water quality and insufficient envelope "
The water supply system drinking Enrique Guzmán y Valle University, shows many shortcomings, from capture to distribution.
In the ditch where the decision is made to the treatment plant revealed the presence of wastes and other substances as a result of the bad habits of surrounding populations and the vulnerability of the area.
also shows the lack of drainage and protection of water flowing through the channel (ditch), which are outdoors.
Age and poor maintenance of infrastructure water system does not exist an efficient water quality analysis
B the causes of the problem
The main causes are:
Absence of perimeter fence at the treatment plant
-cast iron pipe in poor distribution line
-deep well location in the lower part of the university
-Age and lack of proper maintenance of the rectangular shape
-supported reservoir
-Bad habits of the surrounding towns-Precarious
-control house greatest power requirement of pump drive shaft-poor condition
regulating accessories in the system
accessories Absence of regulation in the system-Hard
rectangular reservoir maintenance
Presence of debris in ditch
-Nonexistent permanent control of water quality
C Analysis of the effects of the problem
The main effects are:
-Channel eroded by time.
Presence of cracks in the exterior wall of the sand trap
-Corrosion of concrete in the sand trap
-Sand Trap-
difficult to operate the reservoir maintenance
well in a limited water-pollution-more expensive
water price
Recognition Day 06 September, paid a visit to the area under study to make a field survey of the current state existing facilities of drinking water system. Also
days 08 and 09, was made a return visit to the area under study, this time accompanied by engineering staff (teachers) which addressed issues of topography, soils, geology and hydrology.
The field survey has allowed to diagnose the current state of the facilities identified the problems it presents. It has also corroborated the quality of basic information gathered, especially the 'Integral Study of the Water and Sewer Network of Enrique Guzman y Valle University, which is the most recent survey of 1999
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