swim with white sharks
Not everyone wants to bask in the sun and pass the hours with a good book under the umbrella. Others prefer to live strong emotions these days of rest and "recharge" based on cataratas de adrenalina.
Para éstos últimos turistas hiperkinéticos y valerosos, les prepongo una experiencia única: compartir el habitat natural y llegar a mirarse a los ojos con una de las criaturas más voraces del mundo: el tiburón blanco.
Este simpático bichito que puede medir hasta 5 metros, es el predador marino más grande de los océanos. Una vez que muerde a supresa la deja ir, esperando a la distancia a que se desangre lentamente. No tiene apuro para consumar su cacería. Sabe esperar y acecha.
Sus principales presas son las focas o lobos marinos. Cuando se ha registrado un ataque a humanos ha sido a causa de un error, cuando el incauto fue confundido con one of these animals in a normal game. But just in case, or I would go swimming near his "space."
However, for those brave enough tourists, there is a possibility in South Africa. This country, located between two oceans, is famous for the presence of white sharks. For that experience you have to go to the town of Gansbaai just south of Cape Town.
From here go shark watching boats on the high seas protected by a cover especially for those who want to see the sharks from above and offer the possibility of immersion in a safety cage to find a "close encounter."
's visit includes the transfer to sea, breakfast on board, lunch, meals and snacks throughout the day, diving equipment, etc. Take a full day and costs around 120 euros (1,400 rand)
The best time to dive into these waters with a high probability of encountering a shark face on the picture as the beginning (yes, we always in a cage ) is between April and December (austral winter).
source: eldiariodelviajero
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