Thursday, October 23, 2008

Biasi Boilers Problems

: the first digital planetarium

Located on the heights of the Andes, in the town of Malargue Argentina known for its clear sky blue (see map). A particularly gifted by nature for the observation of the universe. The planetarium, together the Observatory Pierre Auger cosmic ray, ICES (International Centre for Earth Sciences), and the future Park Traces, among others, are incorporated to complement the scientific knowledge with the attractions of the Department of Planetary Malargüe.El opened these days revolves around a set of four buildings covering 1,600 square meters. Without doubt, the dome or pyramid, is the most attractive to visitors because it is where the shows are projected space.

In the dome there are 65 seats recline at an angle exceeding 30 degrees and five Scan SKY digital projectors, software and sound and lighting equipment of last generation 5.1, enabling the public to contemplate the sky projected with excellent picture resolution and sound. Projections on the hemispherical screen provides an excellent three-dimensional image, placing the viewer in a kind of space bubble.

Resort facilities are composed of outer space also have dry and green spaces and views of particular elements such as sundials, fountains and surrounding nature. At the site, students, researchers, scientists and the general public pruned to explore the universe, enjoying the movement of celestial objects and phenomena, among many other activities.

The planetarium is open every day, except Tuesdays. The functions have a cost of 5 pesos (about 1 euro) for juveniles and 10 pesos (2 euros) for adults.
If your route takes you to the province of Mendoza (Argentina), in addition to enjoying fine wine, high mountains, the warmth of its people, raise your eyes to heaven and enjoy the stars within reach of hand.


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