Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fastest Way Toimpetigo

Temple of Bel photos and information

Temple of Bel. Built in the year 32 AD, was consecrated to the worship of Bel, Baal Babylonian derivation of the term, which means love. It was the supreme god of the inhabitants of the city, the god of gods. In the temple, which was transformed into a church in the fourth century, is made sacrifices of animals.

Friday, May 20, 2011

How Much Data Is 1mb Of Data

City of Damascus photos and information

The city of Damascus is the capital of the Syrian Arab Republic. Damascus is considered the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world. Its tourist attractions include the tomb of Saladin, the celebrated defender of the Holy Land during the time of the Crusades.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Front Of Throat Painful To Touch


In the city where I live we are enjoying this year of a very typical spring, with crazy time changes, rises and sudden drops in temperature within hours and always nagging allergies, but instead of all this, nature is stretching and every day gives us new flowers will sprout, pleasant aromas and multiple colors that brighten our eyes. Everywhere you look, everything is a burst of color.