Start the week is Monday 15 November.
Jesus, Sun and fustian goodbye to me once we got to the Blue Sea of \u200b\u200breservoirs in the bar. I'm back in one of the beaches of Sant Antoni, seeing the silhouette of the town of Palamos and its port. The day looks cold. Probably the rain with me much of the road.
I threw the water at about ten o'clock. The bow directly at the mouth of Port ...

In port, the occasional freighter that had been waiting much of the previous day to enter, go slowly eased its wineries. Eliseu, the day before, he explained that the freighter was delaying entry into port by a simple question of dock fees. It seems that the downloads, on Sunday evening, are more expensive than other days ...

I cross the entrance to the port without problems and I stop for a moment, watching the street lamp post. Has its charm right?

From here I move decisively. The sky as threatening as nice, mercury becomes at times a reflection of the water. Leave behind the beaches of La Fosca and Castell and begin to glimpse the islets of Formigues ...

The sea is somewhat scrambled. Forecasts indicate that later I will not be adequate to continue browsing. No hurry. I'll have all week to complete the adventure. The peace and quiet with me in the enjoyment of bluish gray that accompany the rain ...
I approach the islets of Formigues taking care to separate a couple of hundred meters from the coast. The area is full Rocky knife protruding just inches from the surface. The small foam breakers are witness to it. In the background people are looming in Calella de Palafrugell and the port of Llafranc ...

something away from the coast of Calella de Palafrugell. My intention is to spend the rest of the day and decide Llafranc put directly over here ...

Within minutes I stand in front of the port of Llafranc ...

Llafranc itself has a special charm. In these days when most of the people of the Costa Brava show his usual desertification autumn, some are reluctant to lose all activity. When I set foot on land and in the central square is the odd truck loading. Just this day, the missing closure Llafranc hotel until after Christmas. There remains yet one more visit to this beautiful corner forward. The place is special for my mother. Here, a newcomer like so many others around the year 60, was working a few seasons, serving in some other house. Many years have passed, but she kept great memories of those years. Should be to please you? :) So be ...

From here the show a pretty picture. The sea is calm and gives me this beautiful picture ...

Bonita "right? I love it. And this too ...

I continue. Before the break to rain hard I get to Tamariu. A few miles separate me from my destiny and I must hurry! On the way some are mostly maintained cormorants perched on the rocks without fleeing along the sea ...

are almost two in the afternoon. The rain speaks to me in a rainbow before coming to Tamariu ...

And some rock formations show their beauty. Can anyone explain the cause of such precious seam between the ocher-green color?

Just before entering Tamariu, a beautiful bay, white house included. This is the cove Pedrosa, one of them! Find another in the vicinity of the walls of Montgo, near L'Escala ...

few meters then entered Tamariu. Hard rain and cold and do something. Nothing better to take refuge and enjoy a delicious dish, a cassola arròs to impressing!! :)

course, is a arròs for two people. Because I'm worth it! ;) Here
put an end to the navigation of this day. The forecasts also show me the next day will be a dry day. F6 north forecasts are recommended not to fight the wind, especially considering that I spend out Begur, one knot more exposed to north winds. I'll stay here for one day and a half, patient, waiting for the sea has given permission to continue enjoying the ride home ...
Here I leave the route of the day!

And here the slide ...
Greetings to all and see you tomorrow! :)
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