Dawn on Wednesday 10 November.
Roses From the cold night is not as intense.
The day starts at 6.30 am today. We want to take something more hours of sunshine and we decided to collect them half an hour earlier than is customary.

Olivier stands with his left foot today. The hardness of these days I think it has taken its toll. After a comment out of tune, loads of things and leaves without saying absolutely nothing. Not a word. Or an indication of destination. In my opinion, one can be angry for some reason but nothing can be above the group concept.
I do put to sea and head towards the beach of Sa Riera. On the way, I enjoy the outline offered by Medas playing with the sun ...

The sea in this area is quite moved. I'm somewhat concerned about how and where to be Olivier. Arriving in Sa Riera meeting that is also there. Approached me and asked me if I browsed the Medes. The answer is no. I would point out also that I think is a very serious offense to have left without saying anything. The question I if you think we should go our separate ways and my immediate response is yes.
From Sa Riera our paths diverge. I will continue my journey with the intention of meeting the target. Olivier follow the same objective as the proposed. Good luck, Olivier! :)
Again, as I did in the Balearics, the adventure becomes a journey alone. At that time the sea alone was accompanied by constant social adventure land. Now it's the same here in my home in the Costa Brava! :)
In Sa Riera take the opportunity to organize a bit, even my appearance, shave a little touch. I also take the excellent views to the Medes and take photos ...

is mounted on this beach a perfect structure to watch the sunrise. Probably also be used as a step to a show, havaneras perhaps? :)

are busy on the beach a couple of boys, Willy and Nacho, Colombia and Mexico respectively. I take to ease the burden I carry. I got them a bottle of wine he had bought with Olivier and I explain a little bit of everyday life in the months leading that tourism does not appear in these lands. A hug guys! :)

forward. Now, in the form "alone." Let us then! :) Just leave
Sa Riera plays deal with the passage of the Cap de Begur. The waters here are always moved, disordered by the end of the rope. Once passed, the trail offers fantastic landscapes. Example is of Sa Tuna ...

This creek is next to the creek Aiguafreda. Aiguafreda have this mass of building representative of what the building has been rampant for years ...

Toca forward. I have stayed in Sa Riera too and today I will walk ground soon.
My choice? The cove of Tamariu. A beautiful place and highly recommended given the presence of all services on foot of scale (eg ATM ...).

Here spend the night. Along the wall and using the benches at the top for installing the awning and the rest of camp, I prepare to spend the first night alone ...

here is the graph of the path traveled ...

And here the main slide with photos of the day ...
Greetings to everyone! See you tomorrow!
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