Friday, April 29, 2011

Piercing Na Testicule

Closed some days for rest of the staff

For a few days no new posts. I'm a few days of vacation to the beach, to relax and disconnect from work, the work which I call "food" (so, that only feeds me) and working blogger because carry and maintain three blogs updated (and more if you're a perfectionist, conscientious person like me) takes a job a few hours behind, which added to the rest of the plots of daily life, makes you even take this time to sleep, thus wear.

And although I love and gratifies me very much, is something that finally, after all, do "for art's sake", so I'm going to really relax and do nothing, well if anything, reading, walking along the beach, taking pictures at sunset (of course! lol), watch the boats bobbing in the sea, eat, sleep, kick him to wake at night ..... well, more or less, the idea is there.

So, in a few days I'll be back again in the three blogs to keep writing, researching and hanging pictures and news even if I am resting the doors of the three blogs will still be there wide open wide, for those who want to follow visiting them.

A hug and even the back!


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